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Monday, October 14, 2013

Online Pharmacy Medications For The Needy

The Online Pharmacy Medications For The Needy And Not So

There are, of course, pros and cons to virtually everything in life, and the Internet is certainly no exception. Going even further, the specific area of the Internet about which there are definitely pros and cons, is the Online Pharmacy Medications or rather, the thousands upon thousands of them.

Online Pharmacies come in a few different types, again as with many things, some good and some not so good. I would be foolish to suggest that there aren't 'illegal' pharmacies supplying prescription drugs without prescriptions, without even a prescription written by a doctor on the basis of information collected online. However, I think the majority of Online Pharmacy Medications comply with this requirement.

Of course, there are those who would argue that this method of prescribing is not 'best medical practice'. I suppose I would be inclined to agree if the vast majority of face-to-face consultations in my life took more than 3 to 5 minutes and didn’t involve less of an exchange of information than that which is required on the average online questionnaire. I'm disabled with a chronic illness, so there have been many hundreds of such consultations, although this doesn't apply to my current General Practitioner and my Pain Specialist (Anesthetist), whom it took many years for me to find.

As for the information that a patient needs to have in order to safely use prescription drugs, well.... let's just say that the smallest and most uninformative Online Pharmacy Medications would contain more information in the form of explanations, side effects, dosage, precautions, storage and contraindications that most doctors could give to a patient in the time allotted, provided of course, they deemed it necessary to inform them at all which, again in my experience, is very rarely. Why should a doctor lower himself/herself to explain such things to a mere 'layperson', even if they have the unmitigated gall to ask these questions?

So, in my opinion, the majority of Online Pharmacies are not depriving the patient of one single thing with regard to the knowledge the doctor has or needs and the information they have or need. This leaves only the question of the actual drugs themselves, compared to those that would be supplied by the Pharmacy Medications down the road.

Before we get to this, I have to declare that I am totally against any kind of 'controlled' drug being purchased (or otherwise obtained) except under the strictest supervision of a qualified and 'capable' physician. Of course, by 'controlled' drugs I mean drugs of addiction like opiates, tranquillizers and barbiturates etc. Basically any prescription drug that could cause even the most careful patient to become dependent, whether it be physically or psychologically.

Having said this, the types of drugs supplied to treat erectile dysfunction, inflammation and weight loss (by far the most commonly sourced groups) don't generally come under this category (with the exception of weight loss drugs containing 'speed'). The vast majority of Online Pharmacies only provide access to drugs, which would not be considered addictive. Those that do should be shut down without recourse or appeal.

As for the entire concept of Online Pharmacies, we all know there are people, especially in the U.S. (a supposedly developed country), where much needed Pharmacy Medications have to be forgone because of many people’s inability to afford them. Online Pharmacies make it possible for many of these people to access the prescription drugs they need at a fraction of the cost, making it possible for them to obtain the drugs they wouldn’t normally be able to.

I am Australian and we enjoy a generous government subsidized Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, which ensures that no-one pays more than a 'token' fee for all prescription drugs that are listed (regardless of the actual cost). So it is appalling to me that people with a need for prescription Pharmacy Medications must often do without them because of socio-economic reasons. I understand even people with relatively adequate financial resources still struggle to afford Pharmacy Medications, especially where a chronic condition or series of illnesses over time may be concerned.

Yes, there are Online Pharmacy Medications, which supply 'controlled' drugs. This is terrible. Yes, there are Online Pharmacies, which don't bother with the doctor/prescription aspect and yes, there are Online Pharmacies, which supply drugs of dubious quality from questionable sources. However, in the main, the majority of Online Pharmacies are simply filling a great need as safely and as responsibly as can be done in the real world. It would be a terrible shame for this recent 'breakthrough' in the affordability of prescription drugs to those who wouldn't normally have access, to be taken away.

In fact, now that the Internet and Online Pharmacy Medications exist, it would be inhumane for those in countries where there is no government subsidy or other means for those who simply cannot afford to pay the exorbitant prices, to take away their affordable access to much needed treatments.

When authorities see fit, for whatever reason, to spend so many billions on things such as defense and the space program but allow their citizens to go without adequate drug treatments, then a means by which these people ARE able to access what they need, MUST be able to continue to operate unhindered. Carefully monitored, yes - but not legislated out of legal existence.

The amount of money spent each year through the Online Pharmacies, demonstrates more than anything else, the huge need that exists and the level of support from the community en masse.

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Canadian Pharmacy Medications Prescriptions

Can a Canadian Pharmacy Medications Prescriptions Provide Identical Medications?

Canadian pharmacies online offer prescription medications at drastically reduced prices when compared to U.S. pharmacies. This is a well know fact. Yet, how do you know the medications from a Canadian pharmacy online will be the same as the medication you buy locally at a higher price? Does a lower price mean lower standards?

In Canada, wholesale drug purchases are controlled by the government and those price controls filter all the way down to the retail level. Retail prices for every Canadian Pharmacy Medications Prescriptions are also under Government control, so prices are identical across the country.

There can be a slight difference in pricing between individual pharmacies because of their dispensing fee, where they are allowed to compete. (A dispensing fee is a flat rate a Canadian pharmacy charges for every prescription they fill, usually $7 - $9 dollars) A Canadian pharmacy can also earn a rebate from the wholesale distributor depending on the volume of medications dispensed.

The Canadian Pharmacy Medications Prescriptions association is under strict government control starting from bulk import purchases right through to the consumer. Government agents inspect every aspect of this industry at regular intervals and at all levels. Canadian pharmacy standards are definitely as high as American standards in every respect. If a drug is dispensed from a Canadian pharmacy, you can be assured it is the genuine article.

Quality Pharmacy Medications Prescriptions From Canada?

Yes, the Canadian pharmacy online services who supply prescription medications to the general public on a mail-order basis send exactly the same medications as those obtained in the U.S. Yes, their prices really are lower and you can enjoy a large savings on your medications by choosing a reliable Canadian pharmacy to provide your medications.

Ask a Few Pharmacy Medications Prescriptions Questions First

Choose a Canadian pharmacy that requires a prescription from your local doctor and then has a Canadian Pharmacy Medications Prescriptions doctor co-sign your prescription. A prescription from the country of origin must be included with the shipment to be allowed across the border.

Where Your Pharmacy Medications Prescriptions Come From

Brand-name medications are made by a specific pharmaceutical company, who of course holds the rights. Once the generic medication becomes available, (17 years after the license was issued by the Food and Drug Administration) other companies can produce the generic form of that medication.

The patent protection period allows time for the U.S. pharmaceutical company to recoup the costs associated with research and development. These name-brand medications are sold for "whatever the market will bear" and traditionally, the prices are very high. Once the patent protection period is over, other medication manufacturers begin making the generic form and of course the prices drop.

Sometimes a generic drug becomes available in Canada before the United States. In those cases you can benefit from the lower price for a year or more until the generic is available at home. On the other hand many new brand name drugs are available here for a year or more before they make their way into Canada. You have the advantage of first access to those improved drugs. Sometimes it can be 12 - 18 months before it becomes available in Canada, if ever.

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