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Phentermine , Tramadol , Propecia , Fioricet , Viagra , Cialis , Carisoprodol , Alprazolam

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pain Relief Meds Online

Buying pain relief meds online is cheaper and by far more convenient for many people, especially with physical disabilities. Recently, thousands of online stores entered the pharmacy market offering to buy pain relief medication online without a prescription at wholesale prices. As a result, a chance to buy low-quality meds increases but the safety of this purchase is not easy to determine.

There are many risks arising from buying pain meds if you weren't required to provide a prescription to buy them online or you did not consult experts about problems you have or they did not ask for your medical history. The risk for an overdose is also very high. At the same time the 21st century requires brand new, non-traditional approaches toward the process of treatment. It is almost a norm to order goods and services online. So, why not to regulate the online pharmacy market and work out standards that will filter amateurs and let certified pharmacists do their job and deliver qualitative meds and treatment?

The most effective method of taking the pharmacy market under control would be an application of real time consultations that would let to improve patient access to a certified physician. This can be done whether via an online questionnaire, a secure chat or phone. It is no doubt that certain circumstances require a medical examination at hospital but in many cases online consultations do provide a valid chance for people to receive the treatment for those conditions that do not require a physical exam. There is a number of online pharmacy that introduce innovational approaches of serving patients online.

Back Pain and Diagnosis

Did you know that many doctors miss areas of concern that could lead to cures? Did you know that back pain is common, yet many doctors fail to see the cause? The answer is simple. The reason is most medical doctors have little experience in the system of healing so to speak. Rather many doctors focus on prescribing medicines and searching for answers, which many times rest in front of them. Don’t get me wrong, good doctors reach everywhere, yet these people lack educational knowledge of the spinal column, central nervous system and so on. As well, these people fail to see that many causes of back pain rests in misaligned bones, or spine. Of course, diseases may cause back pain as well. Sitting too long, lack of stretch exercises, etc, all cause lower back pain.

If the back pain is, serious it will often show up in MRI or CT scans. X-rays will show back conditions, however since doctors review all areas, except the alignment of the bones and spine, thus most times the x-rays only reveal what the doctor wants to see. This happens to many people, including myself. A pro in analyzing the spine and bones is the man you want to see if you have chronic back conditions.

The types of back pain include sciatica. The back problem may be listed as slip disk in some instances, yet the pain often challenges doctors diagnose since a sharp, electrical shock-like and distressing ache starts at the back and then travels to the legs. Sometimes the pain is intermittent, while other times the pain may be chronic. The particular problem often requires surgery to correct. Sciatica according to few experts is one of the worst backaches endured, since even when the pain has mild pain it is difficult to bend forward and over to tie a shoe. The problem rests in the spine, joints, and connective elements of the spinal column that links to the entire body.

The spinal column makes up muscles, bones, central nerves, etc. What holds the spine together is disks, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments, etc? When a person stands erect, the spine’s elements will join to apply tension. You can visualize the tension by considering how a string will respond when you pull it down. The changes assist the body in mobility; as well, it determines how the body responds to movement.

The lower back is made up of large-scale structures, including the backbone and the hip joints. The hip joints connect to the pelvis and each element joins with the spinal column at the triangle bone in the lower back and at the baseline of the spine that joins the hipbones on either side and forms part of the pelvis. (Sacrum)

The large bones attach to the legs, which provide us strength and support to the vertical spinal column. We have thick bones that start at the opposite side of the thick cord of nerve tissues (Spinal Cord) that is near the neck. Along this area, the joints are thick and the bones start to thin and shrink.  The spinal cord is a “thick whitish” nerve cord surrounded by tissues and extends from the base of the brain and continues to the spinal column, giving mount to a pair of spinal nerves that contribute the body.

Combined these elements give us the ability to move and provides flexibility. In addition, the organs are directed by these elements.

The spine is held up by the larger group of bones at the lower region, smaller base, and the top architectures. Stress occurs at the area, since below this region larger muscles work by directing and sparking movement. This is how the legs are able to move, which brute stress is applied to the vertebrae. At the back, we also have a lumbar spinal disk. The disk is affected by the brute stress, since each time we bend and sit, we are applying more than 500 pounds to this area, yet it stretches to a “square inch” around the disks and per count along the area.

Arthritic Pain

Having pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong.  For some people, they say “no pain, no gain” and pain is a sign that they have done something to the point of destruction and the body will let you know this.  Most of pain is not that productive.  If you are suffering from arthritis you are going to have pain in the joints and this can keep you from doing the things that you want to.  It is important to have pain management so that you can deal with the arthritis and live from day to day with hardly any frustration.

Like a red flashing light, your pain in the body is going to signal that you need to stop what you are doing and take action about your body’s health.  Pain is very natural and it does not have to be hard for you.  There are a number of things that can cause arthritic pain.  Pain can be caused by inflammation in the joints.  This type of pain is usually joined by redness and swelling in younger patients or anyone that just develops a condition.  A second cause is damage to the joint tissue.  We usually feel that we have pulled a muscle when this type of pain is occurring and it can be a condition due to stress on a joint or another problem.  

Pain can also happen from fatigue.  You may simple have a small amount of lingering pain; being tired can make you have this more.  Think of it in terms of a headache at the end of the day when you are tired.  Joint pain works in the same way.  Depression and stress can cause pain or make your pain more severe than it really is.  This is a terrible cycle to start.  You will get depressed when you have pain and this will cause you to be more depressed which will cause you to feel even worse.

Arthritic pain in people is likely to fell a lot different than other kinds of pain.  It is important to have a pain management system.  This will also include eating healthy and exercising better to improve the condition.  Taking medication will also help.  You may also want to use massage to help you with your arthritis as well.  Stay optimistic about you outlook for life and take on the challenge of pain when it comes.  Arthritis is going to be hard but you can overcome it so that you have a normal life.  

Friday, March 16, 2012

FAQs about Phentermine

  Frequently Asked Questions about Phentermine 

Phentermine Diet Pills
Most people think that they are grossly overweight and, many times, that notion turns out to be a fictitious problem. Sadly, the most recent of statistics have shown that people all over the world are more overweight now than they have ever been. Losing weight has become a top concern for everyone from older men and women to small children that suffer from obesity.

There are different methods available to help adults of all body types to lose weight. Regular exercising sessions and following a healthy diet are definitely the priorities for anyone even thinking that they’ll be able to lose more than a few pounds. This entire process requires dedication, discipline and patience.

When someone is just unable to discipline themselves enough to lose weight, surgery is another option. It brings fast results but it may be dangerous and it is rather expensive. Adding weight loss pills to your diet, along with plenty of exercising, would be the best and most highly recommended solution to solve your weight problem.

Weight loss and energy supplements have been on the public market dating back to the 1950s. Aside from other common diet supplements, Phentermine is even more powerful with its ability to increase energy, metabolism and, most importantly, your fat and calorie burning abilities.

What is Phentermine?

Phentermine is a diet pill specifically designed to reduce your appetite. In addition to appetite reduction, it increases the metabolism production in your body so that you are able to burn a significant more amount of calories.
Therefore, this chemical reaction will cause the body to react towards the food you consume so that it will not be altered into fat. However, the side effects of the drug are very similar to the side effects associated with amphetamines because of how similar their chemical makeup is.

Although Phentermine is an effective drug that influences powerful weight loss, most doctors prefer not to prescribe it to people who are not suffering from obesity. Obese people on the drug start eating less because this medication is known to control appetite. More often this medication is used when other efforts couldn’t bring the desirable results.

Why Is This Drug Prescribed?


These diet pills have to be prescribed by a doctor and you should always consult your doctor and never take it without your physician’s authorization. If you choose to not follow the doctor’s advice, this drug could cause serious side effects.
Frivolous use of the drug will only lead to a range of physical disorders. Combined with certain medications, it could lead to complete physical impairment or even death. You must inquire about hazards of this diet medication beforehand and take it strictly according to your doctor’s orders.

How to Use Phentermine Diet Pills

Using your prescription diet pills just as they are recommended by your physician is the main priority because of the health risks associated with anorectic drug abuse. You should monitor how your body reacts to the drug. It is practically safe to use until you reach the desired weight that you want to achieve.

Your health should be the prime concern in your efforts to lose weight mainly due to the many weight loss methods that can damage your health if overdone i.e. exercising constantly and only having a diet of grapefruit and spinach: it’s just not healthy. People using it must exercise on the regular basis and follow a low-calorie diet.

Diet pills such as Phentermine are used for a limited time to avoid dependency and the building up of a tolerance that makes the drug ineffective. Please remember that long periods of time on these types of medications will definitely form a habit, which is technically referred to as substance abuse.

Phentermine can fuel the weight loss process for overweight people but only in combination with regular work-outs and a thorough, well balanced diet, which is not difficult to follow since the drug suppresses the appetite. They come in tablet form and extended-release capsules so you should have trouble deciding which will work best for you.

Dosage Schedules and More

The only thing you can to do is make sure to take your doses on time and properly. This weight loss formula is commonly is taken in the morning, once a day. Some physicians recommend splitting the daily dosage into three portions and that you should consume each one half, an hour prior to eating your meals.

Read the directions on your prescription label thoroughly and, if there is something you don’t understand, whatever you do: don’t hesitate to ask your doctor or pharmacist. Also make sure, of course, to listen to the answers carefully and even request written instructions for future reference. Under no circumstances you should alternate the directions of taking Phentermine. The duration of treatment varies on the results and on your reaction to the medication.

What Tolerable Effects does these diet pills Have?

Side effects that are minor but quite tolerable are part of the package when taking consistent dosages of the drug. It can cause dry mouth, sleeplessness and even irritability. Luckily, once you’ve established your pill taking routine, most of those effects dissipate or at least lessen their intensity. Overtime, these tolerable effects brought on by taking th drug will often disappear or the user gets used to them. But there could also be serious side effects due to long term usage or overdose.

Will I develop a tolerance to Phentermine diet pills?

Unfortunately, some users will experience the pills to be less powerful over time. This is mainly due to the fact that it is classified as a short term use only drug not only because of the ineffectiveness over time but for other general, long term use complications.

Can Someone Develop an Addiction to the drug?

Sadly yes, many consumers have reported that they feel as though they are completely addicted to this drug. Many other users have simply made up their own method to help defeat the possibility of addiction before it even begins. Most choose to design a dosage routine while others might pair up the dosage with something else they do every day anyway. The directions highly recommend that Phentermine works at its best if taken an hour or so before eating breakfast as well as before eating fixing dinner.

Why are Consumers Scared about Taking Phentermine diet pills?

Unfortunately, the drug has been known to cause some pretty dangerous medical situations. This is mainly due to various reasons including and not limited to:

Health conditions; whether the patient is unaware of a health condition they mention it to the doctor that prescribes your medications. If you buy phentermine via prescription do not overdose it.

Overuse is very common whether the user realizes they are taking way too and very dangerous including the risk of fatality is strictly forbidden by your physician because of the increased risk of various cardiac, respiratory, neurological and every other system in your body.

However, the fear that surrounds the drug is mostly due to exaggeration of those previously mentioned side effects. In short, when the drug is taken correctly along with a healthy diet and a bit of exercise, you’ll be fit in no time!
How to Buy Phentermine diet pills?

Remember to always check for a reputable pharmacy when shopping for prescription drugs online. There are many fake companies out there claiming to be licensed pharmacies but in reality they aren’t licensed or certified in any way.

The drug is a controlled substance so you can’t buy phentermine from the pharmacy without a valid prescription from your doctor. Take a look at very effective alternative pills that you can purchase online. Some websites online are illegal pharmacies because they are from out of the country and do not require a prescription to be present from buyers. This can be a real hazard because an online pharmacy can be claiming to be in one location and actually be in India or Russia instead of your neighboring country.

The price being lower is often times a great enticer for these illegal pharmacies to sell their drugs. In some cases there have been issues with the wrong drugs being delivered from an online pharmacy that was not reputable, which has the potential to cause harm.

Save yourself some headache and risk of health by making sure that the website is a part of an organization such as the VIPPS (Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Site) program or part of federal or state regulated agencies.

Buying Phentermine pills at a professional looking website does not mean that the website selling the drugs is actually a legit business. There have been instances when pills are broken down and replaced with fillers to make more pills per volume.

This will lessen the amount of effectiveness not to mention who knows what’s in the pills you are taking when they are broken down in this manner. This may also be a hazard to your health because the cut ingredient will not be listed and there is a chance that a person may be allergic to the added ingredient.

Phentramin-D has the same effects as Phentermine without all the harmful side effects. Many people like the fact that Phentermine-D can be bought locally without a prescription. Keep some of these tips in mind before you purchase any medication online to ensure your safety and quality of product.

Phentermine Side Effects

For all the questions we received about known phentermine side effects.

Phentermine Side Effects List:

Common Side Effects
1. Bad taste in mouth or dry mouth
2. Headache
3. Diarrhea
4. Upset stomach or pain in the stomach
5. Dizziness
5. Nervousness
6. Insomnia (troubles with falling or staying asleep)
7. Euphoria (unusual happy feelings)
8. Confusion
9. Irritability
10. Clumsiness
11. Heartburn
12. Vomiting, nausea
13. Increased thirst
14. Difficulty urinating (constipation)

Less Common Side Effects
1. Fever
2. Hallucinations
3. Panic
4. Restlessness
5. Stomach cramps
6. Tremors
7. Constipation
8. Weakness
9. Shaking
10. Depression or periods of mania
11. Overactive reflexes
12. Severe nausea
13. Aggressive behavior
14. Impotence or low libido
15. Gastrointestinal disturbances
16. Psychosis

Severe allergic reactions
1. Rash
2. Hives
3. Itching
4. Face (or its parts) swelling
5. Tightness in the chest (difficulty swallowing)
6. Wheezing
7. Skin redness

Rare and the most dangerous side effects
1. Blue skin or lips
2. Ankle or feet swelling
3. Fatigue
4. Chest pain
5. Problems with breathing
6. A rapid heart rate or palpitations
7. A desire to take Phentermine more often (or at higher doses)
8. Unusual thoughts
9. Very high blood pressure or low blood pressure
10. Pulmonary hypertension (can cause death)
11. Cardiac valvular disease
12. Slurred speech
13. Seizure
14. Fainting

Have you had any others?

What Tramadol Treats

tramadol treats pain. Tramadol is a man-made pain reliever. The way it works is not completely known, but it acts in a similar manner to morphine. Like morphine, Tramadol binds to receptors in the brain (opioid receptors) that transmit the sensation of pain throughout the body to the brain. It is used in the management of moderate to severe pain.

Tramadol is an analgesic used to treat moderate to moderately severe pain. Similar to codeine, it is used in most cases of Neuralgia and Trigeminal Neuralgia, which is a type of pain in one or more nerves without pain receptor cells being stimulated. There are several different types of Neuralgia. Tramadol is used to help relieve the pain and discomfort from this disorder as well as other problems that cause pain.

Tramadol is also effective for treating disorders such as depression, anxiety and types of phobias because of the way it functions on noradrenergic serotonergic systems. Although the drug suggests its use, doctors and health professionals do not necessarily endorse the drug for those symptoms unless it is a last resort treatment as other treatments have failed. Health professionals also require that it be used under the supervision of a psychiatrist.

Forms of Tramadol

Extended-release tablets are the most common form, used for moderate to severe chronic pain in adults who require continuous treatment for an extended period. This way the patient only has to take one pill a day rather than having to take multiple pills throughout their use of the medication. It may also be given post-surgery to relieve pain until the healing process has finished.

Other catalyst of Tramadol include:

  • Regular capsules Tablets (low-residue, extended release, chewable, regular)
  • Suppositories
  • Effervescent powders and tablets
  • Ampoules of sterile solution for SC, IM and IV injection
  • Preservative-free solution for injections by way of spinal route (epidural, intrathecal, caudal and more)
  • Powders for compounding
  • Liquids with and without alcohol for oral and sub-lingual administration available in regular phials and Bottles, dropper bottles, bottles with a pump similar to those used with liquid soap and phials with droppers built into the cap
  • Tablets and capsules containing acetaminophen, aspirin and other agents

Tramadol Dependency

Tramadol is a highly dependent drug. Often, Tramadol abuse addictions happen accidentally by patients unknowingly abusing their prescribed medication. When taken for a prolonged amount of time, little as three months, the body becomes used to the amount of drugs administered. When this happens, the user has to take more to receive the initial effects. This is a dangerous thing to do because when a user does not take the medication, physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms will occur. When taking this drug, the patient needs to do exactly as the doctor says to stay clear of addiction. It is important to talk to your doctor before getting off Tramadol to ensure that withdrawal symptoms do not occur.

Tramadol Facts

Tramadol is in a group of drugs called opiate agonists. It is used to treat moderate to severe pain by changing the way the body senses pain. Tramadol can either be taken as a normal tablet or an extended-release (long-acting) tablet to be taken through the mouth. The regular tablet can be taken with or without food every four to six hours or as needed. The extended-release tablet should only be taken once a day around the same time every day.

When using extended-release the patient either needs to always take it with food or always take it without food. The extended-release tablets should only be taken whole. It is dangerous to split, chew, crush, snort or inject the dissolved form of the tablet. It is important to only take the medication as the doctor prescribes because it is a highly dependent drug.

Tramadol Addiction Help

If you or a loved one is addicted to Tramadol, it is important to seek help. Tramadol is a highly dependent drug that can damage the body both physically and psychologically. Once addicted, the effects are devastating. But, there is hope. If you are interested in receiving information on Tramadol detox or rehab, please call the toll free number (888) 371-5704.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ultram (tramadol)

What is Ultram?

Ultram (tramadol) is a narcotic-like pain reliever.

Ultram is used to treat moderate to severe pain. Ultram extended-release is used to treat moderate to severe chronic pain when treatment is needed around the clock.

Ultram may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.

Important information about Ultram

You should not take Ultram if you are allergic to tramadol, if you have ever been addicted to drugs or alcohol, or if you have ever attempted suicide. Do not take Ultram while you are intoxicated (drunk) or taking any of the following: alcohol or street drugs, narcotic pain medicine, sedatives or tranquilizers, or medicine for depression, anxiety, or mental illness.
Learn the signs of RA and how to relieve the pain.

Seizures (convulsions) have occurred in some people taking this medication. Ultram may be more likely to cause a seizure if you have a history of seizures or head injury, a metabolic disorder, or if you are taking certain medicines such as antidepressants, muscle relaxers, narcotic, or medicine for nausea and vomiting.
Seek emergency medical attention if you think you have used too much of this medicine. An Ultram overdose can be fatal.

Ultram may be habit-forming and should be used only by the person it was prescribed for. Keep the medication in a secure place where others cannot get to it.

Do not crush an Ultram tablet. Ultram is for oral (by mouth) use only. Powder from a crushed tablet should not be inhaled or diluted with liquid and injected into the body. Using this medicine by inhalation or injection can cause life-threatening side effects, overdose, or death.

Before taking Ultram

You should not take Ultram if you are allergic to tramadol, if you have ever been addicted to drugs or alcohol, or if you have ever attempted suicide.

Do not take Ultram while you are intoxicated (drunk) or taking any of the following:
  • alcohol or street drugs;
  • narcotic pain medicine;
  • sedatives or tranquilizers (such as Valium);
  • medicine for depression or anxiety; or
  • medicine for mental illness (such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia).
Seizures have occurred in some people taking Ultram. Talk with your doctor about your seizure risk, which may be higher if you have:
  • a history of drug or alcohol addiction;
  • a history of epilepsy or other seizure disorder;
  • a history of head injury;
  • a metabolic disorder; or
  • if you are also taking an antidepressant, muscle relaxer, narcotic, antipsychotic, or medicine for nausea and vomiting.
To make sure you can safely take Ultram, tell your doctor if you have any of these other conditions:
  • kidney disease (or if you are on dialysis);
  • cirrhosis or other liver disease;
  • a stomach disorder; or
  • a history of depression, mental illness, or thoughts of suicide.
Ultram may be habit forming and should be used only by the person it was prescribed for. Never share Ultram with another person, especially someone with a history of drug abuse or addiction. Keep the medication in a place where others cannot get to it.

FDA pregnancy category C. It is not known whether Ultram will harm an unborn baby. Ultram may cause serious or fatal side effects in a newborn if the mother uses this medication during pregnancy or labor. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant while using Ultram. Tramadol can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. You should not breast-feed while you are taking Ultram. Do not give this medication to anyone younger than 16 years old without the advice of a doctor.

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What is Ambien?

Ambien (zolpidem) is a sedative, also called a hypnotic. It affects chemicals in your brain that may become unbalanced and cause sleep problems (insomnia).

Ambien is used to treat insomnia. The immediate-release Ambien is used to help you fall asleep. The extended-release form, Ambien CR, has a first layer that dissolves quickly to help you fall asleep, and a second layer that dissolves slowly to help you stay asleep.

Your doctor will determine which form of this medicine is best for you.

Ambien may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

Important information about Ambien

Ambien may cause a severe allergic reaction. Stop taking Ambien and get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Some people using this medicine have engaged in activity such as driving, eating, or making phone calls and later having no memory of the activity. If this happens to you, stop taking Ambien and talk with your doctor about another treatment for your sleep disorder.

Ambien may impair your thinking or reactions. You may still feel sleepy the morning after taking the medication. Wait at least 4 hours or until you are fully awake before you drive, operate machinery, pilot an airplane, or do anything that requires you to be awake and alert. Do not take this medicine if you have consumed alcohol during the day or just before bed.

Ambien may be habit-forming and should be used only by the person it was prescribed for. Keep the medication in a secure place where others cannot get to it.

It is dangerous to try and purchase Ambien on the Internet or from vendors outside of the United States. Medications distributed from Internet sales may contain dangerous ingredients, or may not be distributed by a licensed pharmacy. Samples of zolpidem purchased on the Internet have been found to contain haloperidol (Haldol), a potent antipsychotic drug with dangerous side effects. For more information, contact the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Before taking Ambien

Some people using this medicine have engaged in activity such as driving, eating, or making phone calls and later having no memory of the activity. If this happens to you, stop taking Ambien and talk with your doctor about another treatment for your sleep disorder. You should not use this medication if you are allergic to zolpidem. Ambien tablets may contain lactose. Use caution if you are sensitive to lactose.

To make sure you can safely take Ambien, tell your doctor if you have any of these other conditions:
  • kidney disease;
  • liver disease;
  • lung disease such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);
  • sleep apnea (breathing stops during sleep);
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • a history of depression, mental illness, or suicidal thoughts; or
  • a history of drug or alcohol addiction.
Ambien may be habit forming and should be used only by the person it was prescribed for. Never share Ambien with another person, especially someone with a history of drug abuse or addiction. Keep the medication in a place where others cannot get to it.

FDA pregnancy category C. It is not known whether Ambien will harm an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant while using this medication. Zolpidem can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. Do not use this medication without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. The sedative effects of Ambien may be stronger in older adults. Do not give this medicine to anyone younger than 18 years of age.

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