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Monday, August 04, 2008

Acid Reflux Treatment Through Medication

Acid Reflux Treatment Through Medication

Your stomach contains several kinds of acids which help you break down and digest the foods you take-in. If those acids back up into your esophagus, you will feel a burning sensation called heartburn. While experiencing the above occasionally is a normal thing, having those symptoms repeatedly might be a sign of acid reflux disease (GERD).

At start, you might consider taking antacids which can be purchased without prescriptions. They work not only by neutralizing the acids present in your stomach but also by provoking your stomach to secrete more mucous and bicarbonate. These will basically contain magnesium, calcium and aluminum. Some common names of antacids are tetracycline, Cipro and Infernal. You should be aware that taking those on a long-term basis augments the possibility of stone-formation in your kidney.

Another type of medications is H2 blockers. As implied by their name, those drugs will prevent your stomach from secreting acids. You should be aware of the following facts. To work, H2 blockers need between 30 to 90 minutes. Once absorbed by your system, the effects will last for between 6 to 24 hours. Those people suffering from acid reflux and knowing the facts above are able to predict heartburns and eventually prevent them. Common brands of these medications are Famotidine, Cimetidine and Ranitidine.

People suffering from acid reflux after eating have confessed that a combination of antacids and H2 blockers work best. While combining the timings stated above with the fact that antacids work within a few minutes, you can create your own program.

Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) also work by preventing your stomach from producing acids. Research has showed considerable relief from PPIs in people suffering from acid reflux. Nexium, Prevacid and Aciphex are some brands of PPIs.

This article should in no way be substituted for medical advice. You should also read about adverse effects that might occur if you are already taking other medications. Always see your MD before taking any new drugs.

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