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Wednesday, January 10, 2007


of the big toe that spreads to the other joints. A severe bout will be accompanied by chills and fever. The onset of gout may be sudden, it may last for three to five days, and it may recur often. It is caused by a high uric acid content in the blood and this can be caused by high blood pressure, obesity, dehydration, some medications, a vitamin B5 or A deficiency, diuretics, psoriasis, anaemia or impaired kidney function. Alcohol plays a definite role in gout attacks. The joints swell and hard lumps appear on the fingers, toes or ears. Don’t ignore gout, kidney stones can develop. Gout should be diagnosed with a blood test because the symptoms can be mistaken for arthritis.


A doctor can supply painkillers and anti-inflammatory.
There are medications that reduce acid in the blood.
If the pain is very severe, steroid injections can be taken in the larger joints for immediate relief of pain.
Some of the long-term control medications have serious side effects. Be sure, if you take them, that you have your doctor monitor your skin, liver and kidneys closely.
Do not stress your joints by participating in high impact sports, rather swim.


Consult your doctor if your joints are very painful or if you suspect that you have kidney stones, doctors can prescribe medications that can ease the pain.



Arnica, Belladonna and Colchicum can be used if the gout starts to spread to other joints.
If itching accompanies a severe attack, use Urtica Urens.
If your joints are red and hot, use Bryonia.


Rosemary and wintergreen oils should be used for massages.


Hay fever is an allergy that causes an increased release of histamine in your body, which, in turn, causes sneezing, itching and red eyes. The substances that may cause this allergic reaction are many; among the most common are pollen, airborne pollutants, dust mites and pet hair. The only way to prevent a hay fever attack is to do your best to identify the allergen and then avoid it.


· Antihistamines do help if you have an attack, but can cause severe drowsiness, so don’t use them with alcohol or other medications. Antihistamines are available as inhalers, capsules, tablets and injections. Use the inhalers sparingly because they may have an adverse effect if overused.
· There are long-acting cortisone injections or cortisone tablets available if there’s a really good reason to risk the side effects of the steroids, among which is bone thinning.
· Injections designed to desensitize you to your allergen must be taken with great care, you may suffer anaphylactic shock or another severe reaction to them.



· Allium cepa may help for an acute attack that gets worse inside the house and in the evening. It can also be used preventatively.
· Arsenicum should be used if there’s a persistent desire to sneeze.
· Use Euphrasia for itchy eyes.


· To clear your nose, inhale the steam from a bowl of hot water with a few drops of eucalyptus oil added.
· Relax in a warm lavender-oil bath or rub some diluted lavender oil on the side of your nose when it’s congested.
· Put a drop of Roman chamomile or Melissa oil (both anti-allergenic) and basil oil (a decongestant) on your handkerchief and sniff it if you feel an attack coming on.


Memory loss becomes a vicious cycle – as you lose confidence in your ability to remember, you forget more and more things. However, under normal circumstances, a person’s memory will stay intact well into old age. A likely cause of memory loss, or forgetfulness, is that nutrients are not getting to the brain. This can be caused by blood thickened by cholesterol, the action of free radicals in the brain, alcoholism, metal poisoning, drugs, blood-sugar levels, allergies, stress and thyroid or circulation problems. Another possible reason why memory fails is attitude. The incentive to remember things changes with age and a change in perception of what is important.


· A lack of concentration may be your problem – focus your attention when you're trying to remember something.
· Don’t set impossible standards for yourself.
· Repetition secures information in the long-term memory.
· Keep your mind active by reading and doing memory exercises.


· Any change in your memory that you don’t feel is a result of an attitude change or a lack of application on your part, should be investigated by a doctor.


The only cure for pure overindulgence is preventative: everything should be taken in moderation, particularly rich food and alcohol. Alcohol causes the frequent urination that results in dehydration and the slight brain swelling that gives you the headache. More or less daily abuse of your body by this method can lead to obesity and cirrhosis. Your body needs two weeks to normalise after a bout of drinking. Other problems associated with daily heavy drinking range from malnutrition to male infertility, cancer of the mouth, throat, oesophagus, stomach, breast, colon and liver.


· If you're going to drink, eat something beforehand to help slow down the rate of alcohol absorption.
· Drink a glass of water for every drink of alcohol you have.


· Ask your doctor if alcohol will affect any medications your taking.
· Consult your doctor if you feel you’ve lost control of your drinking and need help.



· For a hangover that causes aggression, take Nux vomica.
· Take sulphur if you have a bout of morning diarrhoea.
· Bryonia is useful if you have a splitting headache that worsens if you move your head.


· If you feel slightly nauseous, inhale the oil of peppermint, lemon, lavender or bergamot.

Patient Information

Red wine, contrary to popular belief does not lower blood cholesterol, in fact, it may keep the levels high; and it reduces the blood’s ability to clot. It does, however, contain antioxidants, which helps in the prevention of cancer and prevents coronary heart disease. A glass every other day will give you the full benefit.

Rehydrate by drinking non-acidic drinks. Coffee and Hair of the Dog (more alcohol) do not work and may make the problem worse. Avoid eating anything that can irritate your stomach, drink a banana milkshake instead. Bananas have high potassium levels and helps balance your electrolytes and thereby the fluid levels in your body. The milk will replace lost minerals and vitamins and raise your blood sugar.


Normal vaginal discharges clean, moistens and helps to prevent and fight infections by changing the pH o the vagina. Discharges vary throughout the menstrual cycle and with use of the Pill, so you need to familiarize yourself with your normal discharges. Normal discharges are sticky and elastic, thick and globular, clear or off-white or milky. Discharges turn yellow when they have contact with air. If you are using hormone replacement therapy or are menopausal you may experience a loss of vaginal lubrication, use a water-based lubricant during sexual intercourse to relieve discomfort.


· Wash your vulva and the entrance to the vagina and anus daily with a mild, non-perfumed soap. Washing this area more than twice daily can affect your body’s natural ability to fight off the bacteria causing a malodour.
· Don’t use perfumed soaps, douches and vaginal deodorants as a matter of course, use them only when needed.
· Always wipe from front to the back to avoid transferring bacteria from your anus to your vagina.
· Always wash you genital area carefully after sex.
· Make sure that any item you put into your vagina is sterile.
· If you are using a feminine deodorant spray, don’t spray into your vagina. This can irritate the vaginal lining and exacerbate your odour.


If your discharge changes colour, consistency or odour.
If your genital area starts itching.
If you experience a change in the colour of your discharge that may indicate vaginal bleeding.
If you feel you may have been exposed to a sexually transmitted disease.


Anxiety about not being able to sleep tends to perpetuate insomnia. Your inability to get to sleep or stay asleep may be caused by stress, medications (such as for asthma), high blood pressure, depression, epilepsy, colds or a thyroid problem. Other causes are hypoglycaemia and physical pain. Although sleep requirement vary greatly with age, most adults need seven or eight hours a night. Generally speaking, the older you get, the less sleep you need.


· Try to treat insomnia as a normal occurrence, as anxiety will make it more difficult to sleep. Instead of trying to get to sleep, read a book or watch TV, but move around as little as possible.
· Avoid stimulants, including cigarettes.
· Get plenty of exercise.
· Have a long, hot bath before you go to bed.


· Check wit your doctor if you suspect your insomnia is caused by any medication you're taking. An alternative medication may work just as well.
· Ask your doctor to test you for hypoglycaemia if your insomnia is persistent.



· If every little noise wakes you and your mind is overactive, take Coddea; if you’re overtired, try Arnica. If you need to, you can take these every 30 minutes.
· If fear is keeping you awake, Aconitum may work.
· For insomnia caused by depression, try Ignatia.
· Use Nux vomica if you're going through a period of withdrawal from sleeping tablets or alcohol.


· Have a hot bath at least two hours before you go to bed and stay in for at least 20 minutes; add five drops of lavender oil or a few drops of Roman chamomile oil if you feel stressed and need to relax. (Do not do this if you're pregnant.) Put three drops of the oil on a tissue to keep next to your bedside, and inhale the fragrance if you wake up during the night.
· Clary sage can also be used in this way, but do not use it in conjunction with alcohol.


Excessive hair loss or alopecia can occur in any body area but is particularly noticeable when it affects the scalp, causing baldness. Alopecia may be localised (in which hair is lost in patches) or generalised in which there is hair loss over the whole scalp. Alopecia may cause embarrassment, particularly in women.


· In men, overproduction of dihyrotestosterone produces male-pattern baldness. It is an inherited condition and the most common form of alopecia. The process starts when normal hair at the temples and crown is replaced by fine, downy hair. The hairline then gradually recedes.
· Patchy hair loss is usually due to alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that causes bald patches to appear on the scalp, surrounded by short broken hairs. Unlike male-pattern baldness, the hair will usually re-grow within six months.
· Tension on the hair caused by hairstyles such as tight plaiting, may cause bald patches.
· Infection that scar the scalp, such as ringworm, cause hair loss. Once the infection has been treated, hair generally re-grows.
· Hair loss is a common side effect of chemo – or radiation therapy and hypothyroidism.
· Generalised thinning of the hair may occur after menopause, and hair loss is normal in the elderly.


· Baldness cannot be cured. Treatments are, however, available to helppromote hair growth or hide hair loss. The over-the counter medication, minoxidil, promotes hair growth. It has to be applied to the scalp twice daily to re-grow hair and prevent further hair loss. Treatment has to be continued or hair loss will reoccur.
· Finasteride decreases the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone and promotes hair growth.
· Ringworm on the scalp is a fungal infection, and can be treated with a topical or oral antifungal medication.
· Hair loss can be camouflaged by using a hairpiece. It can be permanently attached to the head, either by being tied to existing hair or by being sewn onto the scalp.


Piles, or haemorrhoids, are swollen veins in the anus or protruding from it. They look like dark-red mulberries clustered around your anus. They’re usually a result of straining during constipation, a genetic predisposition to weak veins, pregnancy, heavy lifting or excessive standing, but are more often a result of the lack of fibre in the diet.


Never delay passing your stools; try to establish a routine of going to the toilet and stick to it.
To prevent haemorrhoids during pregnancy take the time, every three hours, to have a 20 minute lie-down on your left side.
Topical preparations are a temporary relief and work well, but it’s important to also address the cause. If you ignore the underlying cause, the haemorrhoids may worsen and may result in your having to have them removed surgically.


Let your doctor know that you have haemorrhoids – they may be the result of an underlying problem, and possibly liver disease.
Profuse bleeding of the haemorrhoids can result in anaemia.



Take Ratanhia three times daily if you have a sensation of broken glass in your rectum when passing stool.
For a bruised and sore feeling, try Hamamelis.
During pregnancy, take Sepia.


Irritable bowel syndrome, or spastic colon, causes constipation one moment and diarrhea the next, sometimes accompanied by flatulence, cramping and nausea. There’s a constant desire to purge the bowels and pain after a bowel movement. The symptoms may be a constant condition or may come and go. The regular contractions in the bowel become uncoordinated, which interferes with the normal movement of food through the intestines, and may result in malnutrition. Although it’s more common in women between the ages of 20 and 45, even children can suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. The causes are not known but stress can aggravate this condition.

Adult stomach cramps have more general causes, such as over indulgence, constipation, flatulence and stress.


· Increase the fibre and decrease the animal fats in your diet.
· Change your eating pattern – have smaller, more frequent meals.
· Chew your food properly to give your digestive enzymes time to start working.
· Get plenty of exercise, as it promotes a more regular movement in the muscles of your digestive tract. Don’t overdo it, however - long- distance runners frequently suffer from diarrhea.
· For sever cases, doctors can prescribe antispasmodic and anti-diarrhoeal medication.
· You should be tested for lactose intolerance, as this can have an unpredictable effect on the bowel.
· The overuse of antibiotics may affect the balance of bacteria in the digestive tract, which in turn may affect the regular movement of food through the intestines.


· Have your doctor make sure that you irritable bowel is not caused by a more serious condition such as diabetes, parasites, Crohn’s disease or cancer of the colon.
· If you’re taking medications for other conditions, ask your doctor if any of them may contribute to your body’s inability to absorb essential minerals and vitamins.
· Consult your doctor immediately if there’s blood in your stool or you loose weight rapidly.



· For diarrhea, take Chine if you have gas, Arsenicum album if you’re stressed and Podopphyllum if it’s worse in the mornings.
· If you’ve eaten too muc rich food, take Pulsatilla.
· Colocynthis is useful if the spasms ease when you bend forward.
· Stomach cramps can be relieved with Magnesium phosphoricum, Dioscorea or Colocynthis.
· Take Plumbum metallicum if you have stomach pain caused by constipation.
· For bowel spasms which send you to the toilet needlessly and alternating diarrhea and constipation, use Nux vomica.


· Rub three drop of antispasmodic peppermint and black pepper oil in 20 ml carrier oil on your stomach muscles. Rub from the lower right, up, across to the left and down.
· Calming oils such as Roman chamomile and rose, can be used if you feel stressed. Use them as a warm compress or add a few drops to your evening bath.


Cellulite is fat that accumulates on, usually, the thighs, hips, buttocks and upper arms. It has a characteristic orange-peel appearance, especially if you pinch it. Cellulite is more common in women (even thin women – strict dieting causes the body to hold onto fat even more tenaciously) than men. As the skin loses its elasticity (such as during menopause, after rapid weight loss, as a result of sun damage and through natural ageing), the skin’s dimpled appearance becomes more exaggerated. There’s plenty of debate whether or not cellulite is a specific kind of fat and whether or not it’s caused by a build-up of toxins in the fat cells, and numerous theories about how it can be treated.


· If you believe that cellulite is tough to get rid of because of the toxins in the fat cells, the most sensible line of attack is to stimulate your blood circulation to carry the toxins away. There are special cellulite gloves with tough plastic bristles available at your pharmacy. Brush your skin with one of these friction gloves after your bath, or during a sauna, when your blood is at the surface. Start at your feet and brush your whole body up to your shoulders (not your face). You can also use a shower hose to direct alternating hot and cold jets of water onto the cellulite to stimulate circulation in the area.
· Take a sauna or steam bath to sweat out the toxins and afterwards, take a dip in the pool or stand under a cold shower.
· Since cellulite is basically fat, controlling the diet is the most common way to get rid of it. The fat on thighs and buttocks is, however, notoriously difficult to get rid of, so persistence will be necessary.
· Liposuction could be an alternative.



Juniper oil helps the body rid itself of toxins and rosemary oil stimulated the blood circulation. Make a massage oil with 50ml almond oil, six drops each grapefruit and cypress oils, and eight drops each rosemary and juniper oils. (Substitute six more drops of cypress oil and leave out the rosemary oil if you have high blood pressure or are pregnant.) Rub it into the area of the cellulite in a circular movement. These oils, as well as geranium, orange, lemon and mandarin oils, can be added to a bath to stimulate circulation.


· 30 minutes three times a week. Exercise helps with weight loss and improves blood circulation, tones the muscles and skin and revitalizes tired tissues.
· Combine weight training with more general body-toning exercise, such as swimming. The change in your perception of your body will give you the motivation to keep going.

Because toxins are suspected as the cause of cellulite, you may want to try to eliminate processed foods from you diet. Eat whole grain cereals, raw fruits and lightly-cooked vegetables. Add as much raw parsley as you wish to your food, if you are not pregnant, it is a diuretic and will help your body to detoxify. Celery and watermelon have the same effect. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, they add more toxins to the body. Replace them with tall glasses of water and diluted fruit juices. Beetroot juice simulated the liver to break down fat stores and cucumber juice will stimulate the kidneys to expel more waste. To lose weight eat a diet high in nutrients; don’t waste calories on foods that hold very little nutrient value.


It is imperative to eat a balanced diet to avoid malnutrition. If you eat a wide variety of foods on a regular basis, it is unlikely that you would need to supplement your diet. However, if you are not eating the recommended five serving of fruit and vegetables a day, or if you would like to boost your bodily functions, you may need to supplement. Because a dietary deficiency takes so long to reveal itself, and many symptoms start as vague changes in your levels of energy or in the tone of your skin, you may not notice that there is something wrong. You may become accustomed to a symptom without realizing it is one. A supplement contains dietary ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, enzymes, organ tissues, metabolites, extracts and/or concentrates. Although one needs to use supplements for at least three months before the benefits can be realized, you should read up on the ingredients of your supplements if you intend to take it for longer than six months. You may want to try using a supplement if you eat unhealthy foods or smoke, or if you are pregnant, vegetarian, an athlete, an alcoholic, a convalescent, on diet, pregnant or breastfeeding. A supplement can be used to augment your diet under these circumstances.


It is more cost-effective to choose a supplement with many ingredients than to buy the ingredients separately.
If you do want to use supplements separately, be sure you know the combinations that ensure absorption.
Don’t give your supplements to your children; you may be giving them doses which are too high.
Vitamin C is not stored in the body, split your daily dose into a morning and evening dose.
Store your supplements according to manufacturers indications, many nutrients are destroyed by sunlight and heat.
Many nutrients are more easily absorbed when taken with food. Don’t listen to anecdotal evidence when deciding which supplements to use. In fact supplements that are good for one person may be damaging to another. Each human body is unique and a supplement that works for one person may not work for another. It is imperative for you to o your own research and compare your findings to the conditions you are experiencing.


If you are on medication, there may be negative interactions with certain nutritional supplements.
If you experience ANY new symptoms after taking supplements after taking supplements, be sure to mention which supplements you are taking. Bring the nutritional supplement containers to his office so that he can read the ingredients and pamphlets and record the brand on your file.


Migraine is a pounding headache that starts suddenly and lasts for hours. Only 20 percent of migraine patients find their headaches accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea, vision blurring, and aura, numbing or tingling in their limbs. Migraines start between ages 10 and 30 and usually stop after 50, or in women, after menopause. More women than men have migraines and they run in families. They are triggered by medications, certain foods and alcohol, smoking, high altitudes, fluorescent lights, weather, computer screens, missing meals, sun exposure, too little or too much sleep, hormones, the Pill, odours and stress.


· Concentrate on identifying the migraine triggers and avoid them.
· Possible food triggers contain caffeine, dairy, alcohol, citrus, preservatives, nitrites and monosodium glutamate (MSG). Note that MSG has many hidden names, research them if you feel MSG is the culprit.
· Eat regular meals, make an effort to relax and keep regular sleeping hours.
· Include aerobic exercise in your lifestyle, it can reduce the frequency and intensity of the migraines.
· Once you have the migraine, take a mild painkiller and lie down in a darkened room with your eyes closed.
· Place an ice pack, wrapped in a dishtowel, on the area of your head that hurts.
· The type of painkiller to be used must be chosen by your doctor and will relate to the migraine trigger and other conditions or factors in your medical history. You must use the painkillers as prescribed to avoid rebound headaches.


· If severe headaches recur.



The underlying trigger of the migraine must be identified. Most homeopaths will treat migraine systemically.
Natrum mur, should be used if the attack is accompanied by numbness in the face.
Aconite can be used for sudden onset migraines where your head feels it may explode.
Use Arnica if the pain is dull, occasionally sharp, and worsened by bending.
Try Bryonia if small movements worsen the pain.
Use Ruta if you are overstressed and need rest.


Sprinkle lavender or chamomile oils onto a tissue to inhale if you are tense.
If your migraines are accompanied by nausea, inhale a drop of peppermint oil on a tissue or rub it in a carrier oil, clockwise onto your belly. Not suitable for pregnant women.
Make a cold compress of one drop lavender and one drop peppermint oil to put over your eyes when you lie down.


Our immune system keeps watch and uses antibodies to destroy anything foreign it finds in our bodies, including bacteria, microbes, particles and toxins. Although direct treatment of a particular illness has fast results, they are short term. Treatments don’t strengthen the body’s long-term defence against the illness, and recurrence of the illness may be the result. There is also a direct relationship between stress and illness and it is important to control your anxiety. Stress releases hormones which constrict blood flow, making your heart work harder and decreasing the effectiveness of the circulatory system that carries antibodies throughout your body.


· Exercise regularly, but don’t over exercise, it can depress your immune system. Thirty minutes a day is the recommended amount of time you should spend exercising.
· Keep regular sleeping hours.
· Eat at least three nutritionally balanced meals per day.
· Consider taking supplemental vitamins and minerals if you cannot eat the widest variety of foods possible, focus on the antioxidant vitamins – A, C, and E.
· Take time to relax and do things in your leisure time that can make you feel more positive.



Immune irregularities usually have a number of underlying causes and homeopaths would treat these causes individually and systemically. However, here are two general homeopathic remedies:

· Silicea should be taken to stimulate antibody activity.
· Arsenicum album can be taken, if your immune system is depressed because of digestive disorders, fatigue, anxiety and stress.


· Use tea tree and niaouli oils to strengthen the immune system by stimulating antibdiy production.
· Relaxing chamomile and lavender oils can be added to your bath.
· Use bergamot, rose and lavender oils to uplift your mood.
· Thyme and eucalyptus can be used to massage critical lymphatic points to stimulate the immune system.
· Add three drops clary sage, five drops ylang-ylang and three drops jasmine to 25ml of carrier oil and add it to a humidifier or spray bottle to keep you in a positive frame of mind.
· Massage using the above oils to help you relax and improve your circulation.


The symptoms of asthma are recurrent wheezing, coughing, tightness in the chest and difficulty breathing, sometimes reaching a point where the sufferer can’t breathe at all. The obstruction in the lungs is probably caused by an allergen. These allergenic triggers vary from drugs to environmental pollutants. If there’s a genetic factor to the asthma, it usually starts in childhood and disappears of its own accord in a year or two. Ashtma is aggravated by stress.


· Try to discover the allergen that’s causing your asthma.
· Avoid air-borne pollution.
· Avoid all forms of fungus. Fungus spores are present in the air and grow anywhere there is moisture.
· Avoid ibuprofen, or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, and aspirin.
· Your doctor can prescribe a corticosteroid inhalant to release bronchial spasms, and there are long-term preventative medications which can be taken.


· An asthma attack can be fatal, so take your doctor’s advice.
· Have tests to rule out physical causes of asthma and cardiac asthma (which has the same symptoms as asthma but is caused by heart failure). There may be other, less serious, causes such as sinusitis.



· Aconite can be taken if you feel anxious and the symptoms increase with nightfall or cold weather.
· If damp weather makes the symptoms worse, use Natrum sulphuricum.
· Arsencium is recommended if breathing is difficult, especially late at night, but improves if you bend forward.
· Use Lachesis if your asthma is seasonal or related to menopause.


· Sprinkle a few drops of cedarwood, eucalyptus, juniper, wintergreen, rosemary or peppermint oil on your handkerchief and inhale the fumes when you feel an attack coming on. Rubbing these oils, mixed with a carrier oil such as sweet-almond oil, on your chest also helps.
· Inhale the steam of water mixed with a few drops of lavender and eucalyptus oils after an attack to relax and open your air passages.
· Bergamot and chamomile oils are useful for attacks triggered by stress.

Eat more garlic an onions, they inhibit an enzyme which helps cause inflammation. The mustard oils promote healthy lungs. Do not shock your bronchial tubes with cold drinks or foods during an asthma attack. Try an elimination diet to try to determine which allergen is causing your asthma. Start with any medication you may be taking, especially aspirin. Some of the other foods you may be allergic to are alfalfa, peanuts, soy, eggs, beets fish, pork and milk. Food additives such as tartrazine monosodium glutamate (MSG) and sulfites, may also be the culprits. Sulfites come in several forms and are used by restaurants and in grocery stores on fresh food, frozen shellfish and in wine, to prevent bacterial growth. Avoid mushrooms, nuts, milk and wheat. Taking a dessertspoon of apple cider vinegar in water after your meals may control the reaction to these. Eat more Vitamin B6, found in wheat germ, brewer’s yeast, poultry, fish, cooked dried beans and peas. It will reduce the amount and the severity of your asthma attacks.


An allergic reaction is part of the body’s immune reaction to foreign bodies, and the result can be something as mild as a red rash to a full-blown, fatal asthma attack.

The key with allergies, is for the patient to determine what is causing the reaction, and then to avoid that allergen as far as possible. A skin-prink allergy test is quite straightforward to arrange through a GP, and can be very helpful in narrowing down what’s causing the problem.

Certain foodstuffs may also be a factor – this needs to be determined through a specially designed elimination diet, usually in conjunction with a dietician.
However, it is not always possible to avoid allergens – they may be in the air all around us, in which case patients need to manage their allergies.

If they suffer from severe allergic reactions, such as asthma attacks, those will need to be controlled by their doctor, or even a specialist.

However, for the person on the street who suffers from a mild grass rash in spring, or the occasional bout of hay fever, there are excellent over-the-counter antihistamines available, in both oral and topical form.

Patients do need to be warned, however, that some of these preparations may cause drowsiness, and could affect them while driving or operating heavy machinery. There are also antihistamines available which have no sedating effects.

Patients should also be referred on to a doctor if the over-the-counter preparations are not improving their allergic reactions.


There are over 180 kinds of arthritis, which can make this condition difficult to diagnose. Two of the most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Joints that have been put under a lot of stress over time are usually the ones affected by osteoarthritis, which is the most common and usually develops in elderly people. The cartilage between the bones (commonly in the hands, knees, hips and feet) wears down and may wear away altogether. As s result, instead of gliding smoothly, the bones grate together and the slightest movement can be painful. Rheumatoid arthritis, which can occur from the late teens, is caused when, for reasons that are unknown, the immune system attacks the body, destroying the cartilage between the bones, and inflaming the joints and surrounding tissues. Hormones many play a role (it affects three times more women than men), but other factors such as stress and allergies may also be underlying causes.


· Being overweight puts excess stress on the hips, lower back and knees, and these are the areas osteoarthritis is likely to attack first. Try to lose a few kilograms.
· Take long, hot baths and add three tablespoons of Epsom salts to the water.
· Make a poultice for aching joints with one part cayenne, four parts olive oil and eight parts spirit of camphor.
· If you have rheumatoid arthritis, stay away from foods that are acidic or contain preservatives.


· In some severe cases of rheumatoid arthritis, your doctor may advise you not to exercise, but rather to rest.
· In severe cases, a doctor may recommend that a joint be replaced with an artificial one.
· If you have a fever with your joint pain, you may have an infection that needs treatment.



· Rheumatoid arthritis made worse by warm weather should be treated with Colchicum; if stormy weather worsens the symptoms take Rhododendron.
· Rhus toxicodendron will lessen the effects of pain that is worse after you have been still for a while. If the opposite is true and a rest eases your pain, take Bryonia. Bryonia is also helpful if your joints hurt with even the slightest movement.
· Take Pulsatilla if the pain jumps from joints to joint and if your joints make a cracking sound.


· Gently massage the area surrounding the joint in the direction of the heart. (Never massage an inflamed joint directly.) Use 5 drops each of frankincense, juniper, lavender and rosemary in 50ml almond oil. The oil can be warmed slightly in a double boiler on the stove to make it less of a shock to the skin. It can also be lightly stroked over the joint.
· Ice-cold compresses will draw the heat of inflammation out of the joint.
· Stress aggravated arthritis, so take long, warm, relaxing baths with a few drops of Roman chamomile to help you relax. Add a few drops of juniper, grapefruit or cypress oil to encourage toxins that may be irritating your joints.


· If you have arthritis, you may be too afraid of the pain to move your joints. This is a mistake, as your muscles and tendons will waste away unless you keep active. Swimming is the best form of exercise – it’s low impact, keeps all the joints mobile and gently build the muscles that can take the weight off your joints. Start with five minutes a day and gradually increase the amount of time you spend in the water. If possible, try to gain access to a heated salty swimming pool.


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