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Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Migraine is a pounding headache that starts suddenly and lasts for hours. Only 20 percent of migraine patients find their headaches accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea, vision blurring, and aura, numbing or tingling in their limbs. Migraines start between ages 10 and 30 and usually stop after 50, or in women, after menopause. More women than men have migraines and they run in families. They are triggered by medications, certain foods and alcohol, smoking, high altitudes, fluorescent lights, weather, computer screens, missing meals, sun exposure, too little or too much sleep, hormones, the Pill, odours and stress.


· Concentrate on identifying the migraine triggers and avoid them.
· Possible food triggers contain caffeine, dairy, alcohol, citrus, preservatives, nitrites and monosodium glutamate (MSG). Note that MSG has many hidden names, research them if you feel MSG is the culprit.
· Eat regular meals, make an effort to relax and keep regular sleeping hours.
· Include aerobic exercise in your lifestyle, it can reduce the frequency and intensity of the migraines.
· Once you have the migraine, take a mild painkiller and lie down in a darkened room with your eyes closed.
· Place an ice pack, wrapped in a dishtowel, on the area of your head that hurts.
· The type of painkiller to be used must be chosen by your doctor and will relate to the migraine trigger and other conditions or factors in your medical history. You must use the painkillers as prescribed to avoid rebound headaches.


· If severe headaches recur.



The underlying trigger of the migraine must be identified. Most homeopaths will treat migraine systemically.
Natrum mur, should be used if the attack is accompanied by numbness in the face.
Aconite can be used for sudden onset migraines where your head feels it may explode.
Use Arnica if the pain is dull, occasionally sharp, and worsened by bending.
Try Bryonia if small movements worsen the pain.
Use Ruta if you are overstressed and need rest.


Sprinkle lavender or chamomile oils onto a tissue to inhale if you are tense.
If your migraines are accompanied by nausea, inhale a drop of peppermint oil on a tissue or rub it in a carrier oil, clockwise onto your belly. Not suitable for pregnant women.
Make a cold compress of one drop lavender and one drop peppermint oil to put over your eyes when you lie down.

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