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Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Irritable bowel syndrome, or spastic colon, causes constipation one moment and diarrhea the next, sometimes accompanied by flatulence, cramping and nausea. There’s a constant desire to purge the bowels and pain after a bowel movement. The symptoms may be a constant condition or may come and go. The regular contractions in the bowel become uncoordinated, which interferes with the normal movement of food through the intestines, and may result in malnutrition. Although it’s more common in women between the ages of 20 and 45, even children can suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. The causes are not known but stress can aggravate this condition.

Adult stomach cramps have more general causes, such as over indulgence, constipation, flatulence and stress.


· Increase the fibre and decrease the animal fats in your diet.
· Change your eating pattern – have smaller, more frequent meals.
· Chew your food properly to give your digestive enzymes time to start working.
· Get plenty of exercise, as it promotes a more regular movement in the muscles of your digestive tract. Don’t overdo it, however - long- distance runners frequently suffer from diarrhea.
· For sever cases, doctors can prescribe antispasmodic and anti-diarrhoeal medication.
· You should be tested for lactose intolerance, as this can have an unpredictable effect on the bowel.
· The overuse of antibiotics may affect the balance of bacteria in the digestive tract, which in turn may affect the regular movement of food through the intestines.


· Have your doctor make sure that you irritable bowel is not caused by a more serious condition such as diabetes, parasites, Crohn’s disease or cancer of the colon.
· If you’re taking medications for other conditions, ask your doctor if any of them may contribute to your body’s inability to absorb essential minerals and vitamins.
· Consult your doctor immediately if there’s blood in your stool or you loose weight rapidly.



· For diarrhea, take Chine if you have gas, Arsenicum album if you’re stressed and Podopphyllum if it’s worse in the mornings.
· If you’ve eaten too muc rich food, take Pulsatilla.
· Colocynthis is useful if the spasms ease when you bend forward.
· Stomach cramps can be relieved with Magnesium phosphoricum, Dioscorea or Colocynthis.
· Take Plumbum metallicum if you have stomach pain caused by constipation.
· For bowel spasms which send you to the toilet needlessly and alternating diarrhea and constipation, use Nux vomica.


· Rub three drop of antispasmodic peppermint and black pepper oil in 20 ml carrier oil on your stomach muscles. Rub from the lower right, up, across to the left and down.
· Calming oils such as Roman chamomile and rose, can be used if you feel stressed. Use them as a warm compress or add a few drops to your evening bath.

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