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Wednesday, January 10, 2007


The symptoms of asthma are recurrent wheezing, coughing, tightness in the chest and difficulty breathing, sometimes reaching a point where the sufferer can’t breathe at all. The obstruction in the lungs is probably caused by an allergen. These allergenic triggers vary from drugs to environmental pollutants. If there’s a genetic factor to the asthma, it usually starts in childhood and disappears of its own accord in a year or two. Ashtma is aggravated by stress.


· Try to discover the allergen that’s causing your asthma.
· Avoid air-borne pollution.
· Avoid all forms of fungus. Fungus spores are present in the air and grow anywhere there is moisture.
· Avoid ibuprofen, or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, and aspirin.
· Your doctor can prescribe a corticosteroid inhalant to release bronchial spasms, and there are long-term preventative medications which can be taken.


· An asthma attack can be fatal, so take your doctor’s advice.
· Have tests to rule out physical causes of asthma and cardiac asthma (which has the same symptoms as asthma but is caused by heart failure). There may be other, less serious, causes such as sinusitis.



· Aconite can be taken if you feel anxious and the symptoms increase with nightfall or cold weather.
· If damp weather makes the symptoms worse, use Natrum sulphuricum.
· Arsencium is recommended if breathing is difficult, especially late at night, but improves if you bend forward.
· Use Lachesis if your asthma is seasonal or related to menopause.


· Sprinkle a few drops of cedarwood, eucalyptus, juniper, wintergreen, rosemary or peppermint oil on your handkerchief and inhale the fumes when you feel an attack coming on. Rubbing these oils, mixed with a carrier oil such as sweet-almond oil, on your chest also helps.
· Inhale the steam of water mixed with a few drops of lavender and eucalyptus oils after an attack to relax and open your air passages.
· Bergamot and chamomile oils are useful for attacks triggered by stress.

Eat more garlic an onions, they inhibit an enzyme which helps cause inflammation. The mustard oils promote healthy lungs. Do not shock your bronchial tubes with cold drinks or foods during an asthma attack. Try an elimination diet to try to determine which allergen is causing your asthma. Start with any medication you may be taking, especially aspirin. Some of the other foods you may be allergic to are alfalfa, peanuts, soy, eggs, beets fish, pork and milk. Food additives such as tartrazine monosodium glutamate (MSG) and sulfites, may also be the culprits. Sulfites come in several forms and are used by restaurants and in grocery stores on fresh food, frozen shellfish and in wine, to prevent bacterial growth. Avoid mushrooms, nuts, milk and wheat. Taking a dessertspoon of apple cider vinegar in water after your meals may control the reaction to these. Eat more Vitamin B6, found in wheat germ, brewer’s yeast, poultry, fish, cooked dried beans and peas. It will reduce the amount and the severity of your asthma attacks.

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