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Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Cellulite is fat that accumulates on, usually, the thighs, hips, buttocks and upper arms. It has a characteristic orange-peel appearance, especially if you pinch it. Cellulite is more common in women (even thin women – strict dieting causes the body to hold onto fat even more tenaciously) than men. As the skin loses its elasticity (such as during menopause, after rapid weight loss, as a result of sun damage and through natural ageing), the skin’s dimpled appearance becomes more exaggerated. There’s plenty of debate whether or not cellulite is a specific kind of fat and whether or not it’s caused by a build-up of toxins in the fat cells, and numerous theories about how it can be treated.


· If you believe that cellulite is tough to get rid of because of the toxins in the fat cells, the most sensible line of attack is to stimulate your blood circulation to carry the toxins away. There are special cellulite gloves with tough plastic bristles available at your pharmacy. Brush your skin with one of these friction gloves after your bath, or during a sauna, when your blood is at the surface. Start at your feet and brush your whole body up to your shoulders (not your face). You can also use a shower hose to direct alternating hot and cold jets of water onto the cellulite to stimulate circulation in the area.
· Take a sauna or steam bath to sweat out the toxins and afterwards, take a dip in the pool or stand under a cold shower.
· Since cellulite is basically fat, controlling the diet is the most common way to get rid of it. The fat on thighs and buttocks is, however, notoriously difficult to get rid of, so persistence will be necessary.
· Liposuction could be an alternative.



Juniper oil helps the body rid itself of toxins and rosemary oil stimulated the blood circulation. Make a massage oil with 50ml almond oil, six drops each grapefruit and cypress oils, and eight drops each rosemary and juniper oils. (Substitute six more drops of cypress oil and leave out the rosemary oil if you have high blood pressure or are pregnant.) Rub it into the area of the cellulite in a circular movement. These oils, as well as geranium, orange, lemon and mandarin oils, can be added to a bath to stimulate circulation.


· 30 minutes three times a week. Exercise helps with weight loss and improves blood circulation, tones the muscles and skin and revitalizes tired tissues.
· Combine weight training with more general body-toning exercise, such as swimming. The change in your perception of your body will give you the motivation to keep going.

Because toxins are suspected as the cause of cellulite, you may want to try to eliminate processed foods from you diet. Eat whole grain cereals, raw fruits and lightly-cooked vegetables. Add as much raw parsley as you wish to your food, if you are not pregnant, it is a diuretic and will help your body to detoxify. Celery and watermelon have the same effect. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, they add more toxins to the body. Replace them with tall glasses of water and diluted fruit juices. Beetroot juice simulated the liver to break down fat stores and cucumber juice will stimulate the kidneys to expel more waste. To lose weight eat a diet high in nutrients; don’t waste calories on foods that hold very little nutrient value.

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