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Wednesday, January 10, 2007


There are over 180 kinds of arthritis, which can make this condition difficult to diagnose. Two of the most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Joints that have been put under a lot of stress over time are usually the ones affected by osteoarthritis, which is the most common and usually develops in elderly people. The cartilage between the bones (commonly in the hands, knees, hips and feet) wears down and may wear away altogether. As s result, instead of gliding smoothly, the bones grate together and the slightest movement can be painful. Rheumatoid arthritis, which can occur from the late teens, is caused when, for reasons that are unknown, the immune system attacks the body, destroying the cartilage between the bones, and inflaming the joints and surrounding tissues. Hormones many play a role (it affects three times more women than men), but other factors such as stress and allergies may also be underlying causes.


· Being overweight puts excess stress on the hips, lower back and knees, and these are the areas osteoarthritis is likely to attack first. Try to lose a few kilograms.
· Take long, hot baths and add three tablespoons of Epsom salts to the water.
· Make a poultice for aching joints with one part cayenne, four parts olive oil and eight parts spirit of camphor.
· If you have rheumatoid arthritis, stay away from foods that are acidic or contain preservatives.


· In some severe cases of rheumatoid arthritis, your doctor may advise you not to exercise, but rather to rest.
· In severe cases, a doctor may recommend that a joint be replaced with an artificial one.
· If you have a fever with your joint pain, you may have an infection that needs treatment.



· Rheumatoid arthritis made worse by warm weather should be treated with Colchicum; if stormy weather worsens the symptoms take Rhododendron.
· Rhus toxicodendron will lessen the effects of pain that is worse after you have been still for a while. If the opposite is true and a rest eases your pain, take Bryonia. Bryonia is also helpful if your joints hurt with even the slightest movement.
· Take Pulsatilla if the pain jumps from joints to joint and if your joints make a cracking sound.


· Gently massage the area surrounding the joint in the direction of the heart. (Never massage an inflamed joint directly.) Use 5 drops each of frankincense, juniper, lavender and rosemary in 50ml almond oil. The oil can be warmed slightly in a double boiler on the stove to make it less of a shock to the skin. It can also be lightly stroked over the joint.
· Ice-cold compresses will draw the heat of inflammation out of the joint.
· Stress aggravated arthritis, so take long, warm, relaxing baths with a few drops of Roman chamomile to help you relax. Add a few drops of juniper, grapefruit or cypress oil to encourage toxins that may be irritating your joints.


· If you have arthritis, you may be too afraid of the pain to move your joints. This is a mistake, as your muscles and tendons will waste away unless you keep active. Swimming is the best form of exercise – it’s low impact, keeps all the joints mobile and gently build the muscles that can take the weight off your joints. Start with five minutes a day and gradually increase the amount of time you spend in the water. If possible, try to gain access to a heated salty swimming pool.

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